2. Motion

Motion code blocks are responsible for making your sprites move.

2.1. Basic moving


This code block moves a sprite left and right.


2.2. Basic Rotation


This code block rotates a sprite to the right by 15 degrees.


This code block rotates a sprite to the left by 15 degrees.


2.3. Moving to a random position


This code block moves a sprite to a random x-y position.


2.4. Moving to the mouse pointer


This code block moves a sprite to wherever the mouse cursor is on the stage.


2.5. Moving to a specific x and y coordinate


This code block moves a sprite to a specific x-y location.


2.6. Gliding

Gliding is different from moving. When you move a sprite, it disappears and then reappears where you want it to be. When you glide a sprite, a smooth transition is created from where the sprite currently is located to where you want it to be; there is animation involved.


This code block glides a sprite to a random position.


This code block glides a sprite to wherever the mouse cursor is on the stage.


This code block glides a sprite to a specific x-y location.


2.7. Pointing


This code block points a sprite to specified direction (in angles).


This code block points a sprite towards the mouse cursor.


2.8. Changing x


This code block adds the specified value to the current x position value.


This code block sets the x position value to a specific value.


2.9. Changing y


This code block adds the specified value to the current y position value.


This code block sets the y position to a specific value.


2.10. Bouncing


This code block bounces a sprite if it is on the edge of the stage.


2.11. Rotation styles


This code block sets the rotation style to left-right.


This code block sets the rotation style to all around.


This code block sets the rotation style to don't rotate.
